The abdominal area of your body is particularly difficult to sculpt and mold because a healthy diet and exercise alone won’t always equate to a flat stomach. This is why in 2011; nearly 150,000 tummy tucks were performed in the United States alone. This was enough to make it the third most popular cosmetic surgical procedure. While the basics of a tummy tuck are fairly well known by the average person, there are a variety of details which are important understand before deciding if this is a procedure you could benefit from. After years of offering procedures for tummy tuck Houston residents have expressed the following.
Tummy Tucks Boast One of the Highest Patient Satisfaction Rates
One of the biggest reasons most people avoid getting a tummy tuck is because they are concerned about the scar. In most cases, it will be a horizontal scar which can easily be concealed by most types of bathing suits and underwear. The truth is a recent survey reported that 95 percent of people who received a tummy tuck said that it was “worth it” and they would not hesitate to recommend it to others. While it may not be one of the easiest cosmetic surgeries to undergo, because of the longer recovery time, it definitely provides the results people expect.
Lose as Much Weight as Possible Before the Procedure
One of the best ways to ensure your tummy tuck procedure is as successful as possible is by losing weight before the procedure. The reason board certified cosmetic surgeons recommend losing as much weight as possible before the procedure is because it allows them to more accurately target problem areas and provide you with the exact results you want. Plus, it gives you a better understanding of your body and how flat you can get your stomach on diet and exercise alone.
There are 4 Common Characteristics Among the Best Candidates
Every cosmetic surgeon will have a slightly different view on what the perfect candidate for a tummy tuck is. At the same time, there are a handful of characteristics which everyone can agree on. According to top Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Mark A. Schusterman, people who will get the greatest benefit from a tummy tuck are those with excess or sagging skin, a protruding abdominal region which is disproportionate to the rest of the body, abdominal muscles which have been separated or weakened, and a comparatively high level of excess fatty tissue concentrated around the abdominal area.
Get Other Procedures Done at the Same Time
Most people don’t realize how beneficial getting multiple procedures done at the same time actually is. Since a tummy tuck will normally require a recovery period of 4 to 6 weeks, it is the ideal time to get any additional procedures taking care of. Compared to most other types of cosmetic surgery, tummy tucks have one of the longest recovery periods. Since you are going to be taking it easy during the post-op period anyways, you can eliminate the need for additional downtime later on by taking care of multiple procedures simultaneously. This allows you to recover from all of them at the same time.
While a tummy tuck isn’t an ideal procedure for everyone, it can be extremely beneficial for people who have not been able to get the flat stomach they want from diet and exercise alone. Plus, it has one of the highest satisfaction ratings among previous patients with a comparatively low level of risk.