Rhinoplasty has long been one of the most popular plastic surgeries which involves the face. It is also one of the most effective procedures at enhancing long-term beauty. While the concept of a nose job is fairly easy to understand, there are actually a large amount of nuances which will directly impact how successful your surgery is.
Try to be Conservative
In most cases, your nose doesn’t look nearly as bad as you think it does. Because the nose is such a prominent facial feature, most people tend to be overly critical about its appearance. This is particularly true if there is bump or you are unhappy with the thickness of the tip of your nose. When deciding what you want the end result to look like, avoid removing the entire bump or eliminating all of the cartilage in the tip of your nose. This will ensure you achieve more natural looking results which will complement your other facial features and enhance your overall appearance.
The Goal Should Be to Not Notice the Results
Rhinoplasty Houston is a very delicate procedure. Ideally, the results will not be noticeable on the nose itself, but rather by enhancing the beauty, balance, and symmetry of your other facial features. The perfectly executed rhinoplasty surgery will draw attention to your entire look, not just your nose. In fact, the best nose jobs are ones which are subtle enough that other people don’t even notice you had anything done. When deciding how you want your nose altered, keep in mind that the key to being satisfied with your results over an extended period of time is not tied to the nose itself. Instead, it is tied to how well your nose fits within your entire appearance.
Don’t Judge Too Quickly
Immediately following your rhinoplasty surgery is easy to immediately jumping to a conclusion about whether or not you are satisfied with results. Since it is such a delicate procedure, it takes time to see what the lasting results will actually be. This is particularly important to keep in mind if you are less than happy with your initial results. Plus, don’t underestimate the power of using additional skin treatments such as microdermabrasion to make your face appear healthier and tighter. These types of treatments have been shown to significantly improve how satisfied someone is with their overall appearance following rhinoplasty.
Straightening Your Nose Is the Most Difficult Goal to Meet
Most plastic surgeons will agree that straightening a nose which is crooked or twisted is one of the most difficult goals to meet. While significant improvements can be achieved by aesthetically and functionally improving the target area, creating a perfectly straight nose postoperatively is nearly impossible. As a result, the rate of people undergoing multiple surgeries to achieve a perfectly straight nose is significantly higher than revision rates of other rhinoplasty patients.
Don’t Forget about Your Smile
The one thing most people forget when judging their rhinoplasty results is that your nose actually moves. When you smile, the depressor septi muscle activates a small amount of nose movement. This means your nose will look different in its resting state than it will when you smile.
Regardless of why you are considering rhinoplasty, the most important thing to remember is that your nose is a small part of a much bigger picture. It doesn’t need to look perfect on its own, but it does need complement the rest of your facial features.