According to board-certified Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Schusterman, if you want to get your tattoo removed, the best way to have it done today is through laser tattoo removal. Though it affectively helps remove most tattoos, it is essential you follow the right aftercare to ensure there are no complications after the tattoo removal process.
Negligence on your part may lead to superficial burn wounds, bruising and swelling. Sometimes, scabs, crusts or blisters may develop, which generally last for about 2 weeks. It usually takes about 6 to 8 weeks for the complete healing process of laser tattoo removal.
Here are some laser tattoo removal aftercare tips you have to adhere to after getting your tattoo removed.
- It is necessary to apply a cool compress directly on the tattoo site for the first 24 to 48 hours after laser tattoo removal to prevent inflammation and discomfort.
- Make sure the site is cleaned with soap and water, and gently patted dry till the area gets completely healed.
- A light application of any antibiotic ointment like Neosporin thrice a day, covered with a sterile dressing helps speedup the healing process.
- Don’t worry if the site develops a scab or a crust as this is a normal part of the healing process. however make sure you don’t pick at the area, or let the scab or crust get cut or scraped as if this happens, the site may get infected, and prolong the healing process.
Things to avoid after laser tattoo removal
- It is not recommended to shave the area till it completely heals
- As aspirin thins blood, avoid taking it during the healing process. A better drug for treating pain and inflammation is Tylenol. Even steroids have an effect on the healing process; so consult your doctor if you take them before the laser tattoo removal.
- If you use lotions, use the non-scented variety that has no artificial colors in them.
- It is essential to use a sunscreen lotion of at least 25 SPF on the area during sun exposure for about 3 months after the laser tattoo removal.
While these are the common precautions to take, and things to avoid after laser tattoo removal, you have to remember that each person is different. So it is necessary that you pay attention to any skin changes after the procedure.
It is normal to undergo bruising, burning, whiteness, redness, crusts and swelling for 1-2 weeks after the surgery. However if the area gets excessively inflamed, or a rash or small pimples develop, don’t neglect; seek medical attention immediately.