If you are browsing online forums in order to decide what type of laser treatment is right for you, there’s a good chance you have run a crossed one of the most common misconceptions out there. Most people are trying to decide between AFT laser treatment and IPL laser treatment. Unfortunately, this really isn’t a decision that needs to be made. AFT laser treatment is actually a subtype of IPL laser treatment. So the question isn’t which one of these types of Houston photofacial treatments is the best, but rather what type of IPL laser treatment is best for your specific situation. There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding this issue, so here’s a quick explanation of how IPL and AFT laser treatments are related and how they can be used.
An Overview of IPL Laser Treatments
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light and is definitely not new to the skin rejuvenation field. This type of laser treatment has been designed to treat superficial skin problems such as fine lines, spider veins, and age spots. To date, more than 2 million people have used IPL laser treatments to achieve the looks they desire. There are a number of different technologies which all rely on the basic premise of harnessing intense pulsed light. One of the most popular of these treatments is the AFT laser treatment.
What Makes AFT Laser Treatment Unique?
Most lamps used to admit intense pulsed light waves do so through a broad range of different wavelengths. This includes the ultraviolet spectrum which is not necessary or beneficial for most treatments. By utilizing a unique fluorescence filter, these ultraviolet rays are split or converted into a visible spectrum which is traditionally what makes IPL laser treatment so effective. Essentially, it utilizes the basic premise of IPL laser treatments and bumps up the results by making use of the ultraviolet spectrum which was previously wasted. This not only allows clinicians to optimize your treatment but also reduce the amount of time your treatment will take.
Plus, the ultraviolet spectrum can actually damage your skin – which is why you wear sunscreen when you go to the beach. By eliminating the ultraviolet spectrum from this particular IPL laser treatment, it has become the superior form of light or laser therapy.
Are There Any Risks Associated with AFT Laser Treatments?
From the outset, the elimination of the ultraviolet spectrum immediately makes AFT laser treatments one of the safest options on the market. At the same time, there are certain risks to consider. A majority of these risks are associated with after treatment. If you follow all of your after treatment instructions, there is little to no risk of any side effects. For example, you should avoid unprotected sun exposure for at least three weeks following your treatment otherwise you could get severe sunburn and damage your skin. This will also slow down your healing time. You should also avoid all photos sensitizing or pigment altering products for three weeks. This includes popular items like retinoids and self-tanners.
For more information on AFT laser treatments, contact us at our Houston medical spa.
New uses for AFT laser treatments are being discovered all the time. This technology has taken significant steps past the traditional IPL laser treatments to become more effective and significantly safer. The question isn’t whether or not you should choose between IPL or AFT treatments, but rather is there a better IPL alternative than the AFT laser treatment. In most cases, AFT laser treatments will get two thumbs up as the best option.