Many pregnant women wonder if they can have microdermabrasion during pregnancy. Microdermabrasion in Houston is basically a process of mechanically removing the outer layer of dead or damaged skin from the face to treat blemished, wrinkled, aged and rough skin.
This 45 minute procedure removes the topmost layer of skin by gently exfoliating it with natural diamond chips, while at the same time vacuuming the dead skin cells away in a sterile and controlled manner. As the epidermis has no blood vessels, there usually isn’t any bleeding during microdermabrasion. Removing this outer layer of dead skin cells leaves a smoother texture and promotes the growth of healthy new skin cells. This is not a one-time treatment; with no down time, this procedure can be repeated every 4-8 weeks to maintain healthy, rejuvenated skin.
The hormonal changes in a woman during pregnancy can cause several skin problems to emerge: Excess hormones and lack of adequate hydration can make the skin look really dull. A pregnant woman can also suffer from a skin disorder called melasma, where she develops hormonally- charged brown spots on the cheeks, forehead and around the mouth and eyes. Increased oil production can lead to excessive breakouts in some pregnant woman, as well.
Microdermabrasion with a current, medical-grade machine like Houston medical spa DiamondTome can buff and polish the skin to minimize some of these unwanted pregnancy-related skin changes. Microdermabrasion is safe to have during pregnancy, as long as a few key changes are made to the process. When the skin is being cleansed prior to the procedure, it is important that the provider choose a non alpha or beta hydroxy acid cleanser to prep your skin since these commonly used acids are contraindicated during pregnancy.
The skin can still be steamed and extractions can be performed, although the mom-to-be will have to communicate with the provider if the steam seems too hot or the extractions too painful. A gentle, sensitive, or medium handpiece may be used for the actual procedure, depending on the skin type of the patient, and passes may be reduced depending on the reaction of the skin during the procedure. Any Houston chemical peels added at the end of microdermabrasion procedures should be avoided, as they are contraindicated in pregnancy. As with any procedure performed on expecting mothers, it is best to obtain clearance from the obstetrician prior to having this procedure performed.
Like many medical-grade procedures, there can be some adverse reactions with microdermabrasion, specifically in pregnancy. Some of the hormonal changes make a pregnant woman’s skin very sensitive, so choosing the right procedure with skilled providers and great equipment is be key to safe and effective results. Microdermabrasion can cause adverse skin reactions like blemishes, itchiness, irritation, breakouts and dryness on this sensitive skin. The hormonal changes in a pregnant woman also slow down the skin’s recovery process wherein skin cells take longer time to form and reach the skin surface. This gives way to scars and hypo pigmentation spots on the treated skin if overly aggressive or inappropriate procedures are performed.
So for all these reasons, its better to see an experienced and reputable skincare expert prior to undergoing a medical-grade microdermabrasion. Our team at Rejuvenation Clinic remains committed to ensuring the safe delivery of an effective procedure during one of the most important times in a woman’s life.
Microdermabrasion is arguably one of the most popular, time-proven methods of consistent skin care that dramatically improve skin tone and texture call today at 713-794-0368 or email us via our contact page.