We are seeing an increasing number of men come into our clinics for male body sculpting. In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ annual statistics reported that over 1.3 million cosmetic procedures are requested by and performed on men in a single year.
Although this is a significant number, it goes without saying that there are still a lot of fears and stereotypes regarding men and plastic surgery. If you have ever wondered about what male body sculpting can correct or do for you, here’s an inside peek.
The Ideal Male Body Shape Through Body Contouring for Men
Most consider a trim body consisting of more muscle, smaller love handles and a flat abdomen to be attractive.
However, as you age, it gets harder to maintain this physique. In some male patients, we see a common condition known as gynecomastia.
This is when fat cells accumulate in certain areas — more specifically, the stomach and breast area. With some males, no matter the amount of diet and exercise, they will still retain fat in these body parts.
If you suffer from such a condition, don’t worry. A good plastic surgeon can make all the difference in the world and help you build the body you’ve always wanted.
Liposuction Treatments
To effectively correct these nagging areas, many men turn to liposuction. For those who have good skin elasticity (and this is more common in men), the firm and supple skin will react well to liposuction. The process of literally sucking fat from the body to remove it is quick and easy, with very little recovery time required.
However, for those who have a lot of excess skin due to weight gain and unwanted fat, a cosmetic procedure that surgically removes the skin like gynecomastia surgery or abdominoplasty may be the preferred choice.
The breast areas of these men may become enlarged due to the extra fat and skin, so they will want to do more body-shaping with the help of a plastic surgeon.
Abdomen Reduction
This is also commonly known as a tummy tuck. And yes, tummy tucks are popular with men. When you have lost a considerable amount of weight, you may find that there is loose skin left hanging over the sides of your abdomen or your underwear. This may look okay when clothed, but undressed is a different story.
This major surgical procedure will take care of it swiftly. With abdomen reduction, the surgeon will remove your excess fat and then work to tighten the muscles of your abdominal wall. The effect is a trimmer, smaller waistline and taut figure.
Remember: If you have very good skin elasticity, then you may benefit from liposuction alone.
Muscle-Enhancing Surgery
This is another body sculpting operation, besides fat-removal surgery for men. With today’s modern technology, surgeons have developed safe ways of improving muscle contours. It includes the removal of fat cells and fatty tissues and the insertion of cosmetic implants and “sculpting” techniques.
For example, doctors can achieve cosmetic fullness in the lower portion of your legs with cosmetic calf implants or pectoral implants in your chest. Abdominal etching, liposuction that creates a “ripped abs” look, is also popular with males who desire to have a more attractive body with the help of male body contouring in Houston.
Male Body Contouring: What to Expect
Body contouring is different for men and women. Through a trusted and certified plastic surgeon, you will be able to achieve your desired results when it comes to fat removal and body contouring. However, everyone must take into consideration that the bodies of men and women differ.
The unique features of each gender include such things as skin elasticity, quality, health and thickness. Your skin’s pore size, as well as the manner in which the pores are able to store fat, may determine the outcome of your body contouring and fat removal.
With all the male cosmetic surgery we perform, we want to focus on creating or retaining masculine features. But to do this, we need to be able to work closely with you and understand your desired achievement and body goals.
A top cosmetic surgeon will be able to meet all of your needs and wishes, while at the same time achieving those natural-looking results.
Your Healthy Lifestyle After Male Body Sculpting Surgery
Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Schusterman also recommends that you continue to keep up your healthy diet and a consistent exercise routine.
Body contouring procedures for males, such as liposuction or abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), are intended to aid a healthy, active lifestyle. In no way are they meant to replace your good habits of eating a healthy diet or exercising regularly.
Combine both, and you will achieve the maximum results over a shorter time period.
After your plastic surgery, be sure to get sufficient rest. Schedule a few weeks off from work so that you can fully recover. For a clear picture of all of the post-op expectations, it helps to talk with your plastic surgeon. Contact us today for a consultation.
We look forward to seeing you on your journey to your ideal body and lifestyle!