A Mini facelift, or midface lift, comes with advantages over a traditional facelift but many people may wonder if it is worth the cost or if they should just go ahead and go with the traditional route. Those same people may assume a traditional facelift is better but there are some things to consider when trying to decide which method to choose. In fact, the benefits that come with a mini facelift may very well be exactly what is holding you back when looking at a traditional facelift procedure.
Enjoy a More Natural Look
Mini facelifts give men and women a youthful appearance, just as a traditional facelift will. However, the difference is they will not get a pinched or pulled look that traditional facelift patients are often left with. Younger men and women who choose to get a midface lift can prolong their youthful looks while older patients are able to correct common signs of aging so no matter what your age you can benefit from this procedure.
Smaller Scars and Shorter Recovery Time
Another benefit that comes with a mini facelift is that patients do not have as large a scar as those who undergo a traditional facelift, which is why many people call this type of procedure a short scar facelift. This surgery does not take as long as a traditional facelift since it is less expensive and only local anesthesia is used. The skin and muscle is not separated during a mini facelift so patients experience less bruising. Since this surgery is easier on your body, there is only a ten-day recovery period following a mini facelift.
Mini Facelifts Come with Priceless Results
Do not be fooled by the name mini facelift as patients are able to get amazing results without having the scars and painful recovery time associated with traditional facelifts. Since both young and older adults see results it is an excellent way to go a step beyond Botox and get a youthful looking face that looks natural.
If you’re interested in a mini facelift or traditional facelift in Houston, schedule a consultation with Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Mark Schusterman’s office today by calling 713-794-0368 or contact us online.