Every region in the world and every era in time for that matter have different ideas of beauty. What may appear strange to Americans may be considered beautiful or fashionable in another country—beauty is truly in the eyes if the beholder. Even in the United States, what comprises a beautiful woman can mean different things. A woman can be classically pretty; she can be hot; she can be cute and/or she can be glamorous. While this may see confusing on paper, most people would agree that Audrey Hepburn and Jessica Simpson are both attractive, but in two very different ways. Today, many women are letting go of the idea that skinny or thin is the only way to be pretty. Being fit and empowered and confident are much sexier than looking like you haven’t eaten in a week.
Embracing Your Body
In the 90s, runway models were a big part of the collective consciousness of what was beautiful. Today’s youth and woman have a much larger spectrum to draw from for inspiration. Social media has had a large influence on what is perceived as attractive in America. Of course, the other big influence is pop culture, but the two almost go hand in hand. More actresses and models are posting pictures of healthy lifestyle habits like eating right, staying active and embracing their body type. This in turn, has led to more and more young women following suit which has birthed a trend of bigger butts, smaller waists and larger breasts. The “ass to waist ratio, though” was very much a thing on social media for some time.
Working It Out
Whether you’re hitting the gym every day, eating more or dressing to accentuate your natural curves, everyone can use a little extra help in getting to their ideal body shape, weight or look. Many women who are looking to add a little volume below the waist are not looking to butt implants, but instead are opting for the Brazilian butt lift treatment. Unlike Kim Kardashian’s rumored butt implants, the Brazilian butt lift treatment takes a small portion of the patient’s fat from around the buttocks area (lower back) and injects the purified fat into certain areas of the buttocks area to give the desired prominent, youthful buttocks some woman just can’t get in the gym. If you are dead set on obtaining a more curvy and some would say sensual body, a consultation with a Houston plastic surgeon may be your best bet. Just make sure whatever you decide to do, be proud of your looks.