
Preparing for Summer with a Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck helps a woman feel more confident about her body, which is something that is a must during the summer months. Of course, in order to take advantage of its benefits, you must have the procedure done at least six weeks before you want to be able to show off your new body so your body has time to recover and swelling goes down.

How a Tummy Tuck Can Help

You may be interested in a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty because you want to get rid of that pouch over your stomach that often develops after pregnancy or over the years with lack of exercise. A tummy tuck makes your stomach look flat, making it perfect for bikini weather.

Some choose to have liposuction done at the same time as their tummy tuck. This is especially helpful if you have extra fat in addition to loose skin over your stomach. Your Houston tummy tuck surgeon will be able to tell you if you are a good candidate for both of these procedures or if only a tummy tuck is recommended right now.

When to Plan a Tummy Tuck

You must carefully plan when to get a tummy tuck. It is a surgery so your body will need time to recover and heal before you look your best. Although you will be able to resume work after a few days up to a week after surgery, the results you are looking for can take up to six weeks to appear once the swelling is reduced.

Furthermore, you must look at where you are in life to determine if getting a tummy tuck now is most beneficial. If you plan on getting pregnant in the future, that can reverse the work the surgeon has done during a tummy tuck. Instead, it is better to wait until you are finished childbearing before you have tummy tuck surgery, according to Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Schusterman.

Schedule a Consultation

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

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