
Will I Benefit From A Tummy Tuck?-Guidelines For The Perfect Candidate

Many people are unhappy with the round and loose tummy they have. They usually get this tummy because of pregnancy, which separates and weakens the abdominal muscles or because it’s a consequence of massive weight loss. In some cases, it’s just part of the aging process or genetics.

 If you too fall in any of these categories and have a round tummy, you could be a great candidate for a Houston tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. Here are some tips to help you know if you are the perfect candidate for the surgery.

5 Benefits of Tummy Tuck

Stubborn fat pockets

You are a good candidate if you have good physical health and only some stubborn fat pockets around your middle, despite your following a consistent regimen of regular exercise and a balanced diet. In fact, an abdominoplasty may be the only way you can get rid of this accursed fat!

 You need to remember that you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a healthy diet after your surgery to retain your flat stomach. If you fail to do so, there is a high chance of the fatty deposits returning to haunt you once again.

Protruding belly

 You are a good candidate for the surgery if you have a protruding belly which does not proportionately fit with your figure. The surgery is a great means of pulling in those sagging muscles to give you a slimmer and more appropriately balanced physique.

 Your surgeon will achieve this by making an incision along the pubic bone to the hip bones while gently loosening the stomach skin from the underlying tissues. Once done, they are sutured tighter together.

 If required, your surgeon may also perform liposuction in the region after which the skin is pulled down, excess skin is cut off and the remaining skin is sutured together at the original incision.

Various pregnancies

You are a good candidate if you had multiple pregnancies. Women generally find it easy getting their body back after the first baby then after subsequent pregnancies. There are muscles grow looser and weaker with each pregnancy. However, with an abdominoplasty, the effects of all these pregnancies on your belly are reversed to help recreate a flatter and tighter stomach region.

Extreme weight loss

If you have lost lots of weight about 100 pounds or more, and have lots of loose and sagging skin, you can benefit from a tummy tuck. When you lose so much of weight, the fat and tissues under the skin tend to contract and shrink while the skin loses some of its natural elasticity after having been stretched to its capacity for all these years. With a tummy tuck, you can once again get the appearance you had dreamed of during your weight loss period by eliminating all the extra, unnecessary hanging belly skin.

Realistic expectations

 You are a candidate for abdominoplasty if you harbor realistic expectations about the results. While abdominoplasty does help create an aesthetically pleasing look, it is not an exact science and will not give you the super-model as you see in magazines.

 While there may be other valid reasons proving you’re being an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck, it’s better to have a consultation with a local specialized Houston plastic surgeon to decide if you fit the bill for the procedure or not.

Schedule a Consultation

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with the renowned plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Mark Schusterman. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

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