Breast reduction is a popular form of breast surgery that helps reduce excessive breast tissue. Women undergo this surgery for various reasons, mainly cosmetic and medical. While there are many steps and considerations to remember for the surgery, there are also some important points to remember during breast reduction surgery recovery period.
While you have to do some research about the best recovery procedures, your board certified plastic surgeon who’s experienced in breast reduction surgery is your best recovery guide. With the right preparation, it is possible to minimize unnecessary risks and ensure best results after the surgery.
First 2 Hours
The time required to recover from a breast reduction Houston surgery varies from one patient to another. Generally, women require more time to recover from this surgery than from a breast enlargement surgery. This is because breast reduction involves the removal of existing breast tissue wherein the body requires more time to heal and recover from this dramatic tissue loss.
The first 1-2 hours after the surgery is the most difficult period where you will experience and have to endure possible nausea, moderate to severe discomfort, stiffness, soreness, swelling, pain and heavy bruising. Your doctor will prescribe some pain medications to alleviate the discomfort and let your body get the rest it requires.
Your breasts are covered in protective gauge and supported by a surgical bra and/or ace bandage. Your surgeon will attach small drainage tubes to the breast dressings for 1-3 days after the breast reduction surgery to prevent fluid accumulation.
You not only require lots of rest and sleep now, but also need to drink lots of water, not bathe till the drainage tubes are removed and get sufficient and proper nutrition. Your doctor decides when the drainage tubes and dressings have to be removed after the surgery.
First Two Weeks
Within the first two weeks of the surgery, you may still require some pain medication, but there will be an improvement in the physical symptoms like reduced bruises and swelling, less pain and discomfort and the removal of tubes, gauze, sutures and the surgical bra.
Despite these improvements, you still should not do any strenuous exercise, sexual activities, unnecessary bending and exertion of chest muscles and have physical contact with the breasts. However depending on the individual state and your job’s physical demands, your surgeon may allow you to return to work.
A Month
You should start feeling like yourself within a month of the surgery. Based on your recovery, your surgeon may permit you to return to work, dress normally, start doing light exercise and stop pain medication.
In some rare cases, you may suffer from some reduced sensation in the breasts after the breast reduction surgery. The scars will not disappear after fully recovering from breast reduction surgery; be ready for barely visible faded to white or silvery lines.
Generally, a full breast reduction recovery can be achieved in six months’ time. However this depends on the individual.