One of the latest forms of exfoliation is performed today is Houston dermaplaning. This is a manual form of exfoliation that is usually done on the face and is also called blading or leveling of the skin. Dermaplaning has to be done by a Houston cosmetic surgeon using a sterile surgical blade called the dermatome.
The doctor holds the dermatome against taut skin at a 45 degree angle and strokes your face like while shaving. This helps remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells to leave smooth and supple skin.
Dermaplaning is generally preformed on the face while avoiding the eye lids, nose, neck and chest. It is done once a month to reduce visibility of acne scars, slight wrinkles and removes extraneous vellous (transparent) facial hairs.
Houston cosmetic surgeons suggest dermaplaning for people with uneven skin, acne scars and fine lines around their eyes and mouth. Even women with extra facial hair find blading to be a better alternative to removing this hair than tweezing or waxing. Men who suffer from razor burns and shaving bumps also find dermaplaning useful for them.
Blading is a better option for skin exfoliation as no chemicals are involved. This means there is less chance of any irritation to the newly developed sensitive skin. Each dermaplaning session lasts only half an hour and does not leave you with red and swollen complexion at the end of the session.
Results are instantaneous and as a small blade is used, dermaplaning effectively targets specific regions unlike procedures involving larger instruments. The last benefit of dermaplaning is its cost. It costs about 200 dollars per session that is cheaper than TCA peels that cost $800 and dermabrasion that costs $1750 per session.
Women with vellous hair need not worry about thicker hair growing back after dermaplaning as vellous hair grows back the same after removed as its structure does not change.
Blading is a safe procedure. On rare occasions, there may be some bleeding through the blade, which is not more painful than getting a nick while shaving. Just make sure you get yourself bladed by a professional Houston cosmetic surgeon.
People with severe acne are however advised not to undergo dermaplaning . Moreover, be ready for some skin sensitivity after the procedure which can be treated with the proper precaution like protection from the sun.
While dermaplaning benefits both men and women of all skin colors, it may not help eradicate frown lines or extensive wrinkles. Remember that blading is surface work that does not rectify the natural breakdown of facial collagen.
Houston Medical Spa Clinic, is a full service spa operating under the direction of world-class cosmetic surgeons and within the confines of MD Aesthetics Plastic Surgical Center. Patrons seeking dermaplaning can rest assured they will receive the utmost attention and optimal results.