Both men and women today resort to laser hair removal for the bikini line for a permanent solution for hair removal. Though waxing and shaving are effective in removing unwanted hair, it can create irritation and infection in the area. Laser hair removal in Houston helps permanently reduce hair growth and thickness in the bikini line.
The procedure
Though it is safe removing shallow bikini area hair, laser technicians at the Houston hair removal spa take lots of care to remove this hair. You can choose between having all the hair from the pubic area through a Brazilian laser hair removal or to have only the bikini line hair removed.
Though there may be some minimal pain, redness and swelling, it usually subsides within a few days of the treatment. The optimal solution in our Houston hair removal medspa is achieved in those with dark hair and light skin. However, do not expect results overnight. You have to undergo three to four sessions for permanent reduction and not permanent elimination of hair growth.
How much you have to pay
The cost for the procedure depends on the laser hair removal clinic you have it done, your location and the number of sessions required to achieve optimum results. However recently, rates have reduced dramatically with its increased popularity. While normal hair removal treatments cost $250 to $300 per session, a Brazilian treatment costs about $400.
It is better to avoid sunlight on the area for a week or two after laser hair removal of the bikini line. This is because exposure to sunlight can lead to a change in the color of the area.
Some tips before the procedure
It is important that you choose to undergo laser hair removal for the bikini line at reputed Houston laser hair removal clinics or Houston medspas. You are assured of optimum service and results at these places.
Before you undergo the procedure, it is better to have some discussions with your cosmetic surgeons in Houston to clear all doubts and apprehensions about the procedure. With the bikini line being such a private and sensitive part of the body, it is essential that you conform you are an eligible candidate for the procedure and you are assured that a professional will be doing it for you.
Houston MedSpa Clinic, is a full service spa operating under the direction of world-class cosmetic surgeons and within the confines of our plastic surgery practice. Patrons seeking laser hair removal in Houston can rest assured that they will receive the utmost attention and optimal results.