Becoming a mother can be one of the best decisions you ever made. As your beautiful baby continues to grow, you dote over his pudgy arms and legs and smother him with kisses. Baby fat may look cute on an infant, but your goal is to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy. You work out and eat right, but you’re still having a hard time recovering your body.
You’re not alone! Many mothers struggle to lose weight after having a baby. Fortunately, you can complement your diet and exercise efforts with a Houston Mommy Makeover at Schusterman Plastic Surgery. As you look into having plastic surgery, be sure to ask these questions.
Is a Mommy Makeover Right for Me?
If you’re looking to improve the contour and shape of your body after having a baby, a Mommy Makeover may be the answer. To qualify for the procedure, the following statements should be true:
- You are in overall good health.
- You are finished breastfeeding your baby.
- You don’t plan on having more children.
What Procedures Should I Get?
A Mommy Makeover can include various procedures designed to reshape your body. Expect to discuss your cosmetic goals with your plastic surgeon to determine which combination of surgeries will produce the desired outcome. Your options include:
- Breast augmentation
- Breast lift
- Breast reduction
- Liposuction
- Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)
- Mini-abdominoplasty
- Arm lift
What is the Recovery Time for a Mommy Makeover?
Because Mommy Makeovers combine multiple procedures, be prepared for a significant recovery period. You may need to stay at the facility overnight for observation. Swelling, bruising, and pain are typical for the first few days, but you can control these symptoms with rest, compression bandages and medication. Plan on taking one to three weeks off of work, depending on the number and type of procedures you undergo. Then, avoid strenuous activities, including lifting small children, for at least six weeks.
How Long Does it Take to See the Final Results of a Mommy Makeover?
Most women have a good idea of what their new body looks like within three to four months of their Mommy Makeover. Just remember, it can take six months to a year for all residual bruises and swelling to dissipate.
Also, while your surgeon makes strategic cuts that can easily be hidden beneath a swimsuit, it can take up to 18 months for plastic surgery scars to fully heal. Therefore, expect continued improvement as time goes by.
How Do I Choose a Surgeon to Perform My Mommy Makeover?
When selecting a plastic surgeon in Houston, the doctor’s qualifications are the most important things to consider. Look for an experienced, board-certified surgeon with a reputation for delivering exceptional results. Then, make sure you feel comfortable with the surgeon, office location and support staff.
Please contact Dr. Mark Schusterman today for an individual consultation on how a Mommy Makeover can help you be the best you.